GSR is used to research e.g:
- TV and press advertisements
- Packaging layouts
- Product Placements
- Computer games
- Aromatic and flavour compositions
- Interpersonal communication
More than 23 years of activity in the field
of international market helped us to develop wide
offer in the research and analysis business provided to entities like companies and supporting institutions.
We develop the universal, wide-range business offer dedicated to all kind of enterprises. We provide every type of market research and analysis: from conventional to modern biometric techniques. We can adjust the research parameters to our every client’s needs.
We are experienced, effective and competitive,
that’s why till this time we implemented
more than 2000 research projects. We strictly
co-operate with 230 partners representing every
European country. It gives us possibility to achieve data from different geographical areas.
The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) involves measuring changes in the skin’s electrical resistance using a Galvanometer, which varies depending on the degree of sweat gland activity controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. These changes are a symptom of experiencing emotions or a spontaneous response to specific stimuli. In marketing research, GSR reflects the level of arousal triggered by a specific stimuli / message. It predicts whether the message entices the consumer and ultimately motivates him/her to act.
GSR is used to research e.g: